Nadine Saman Supreme Holdings Group
NADINE SAMAN Supreme Holdings Group manipulative, scam, lies, cheaters. Beware especially college students

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This company is deceitful and pathetic... Nadine is like a leach who cheats and steals the money that you work for on your 12 hour days through any weather circumstance... She sends you all over long island, brooklyn, queens with no gas money back (not to mention i won a gas card but never saw that and it was only for 25 dollars not like that would give me back the thousands i spent on gas..

This cult like job where you go in every morning and talk to yourself to practice pitching. More like practice how to rip off innocent bystanders who dont know any better from nadines twisted pitch she molds into her naive little workers brains... Its sick, and they make it seem like they are so proud of you while they talk about how horrible your doing behind ur back in leaders meetings and plan to fire you and move on to the next

They dont like when new people talk bc they are afraid they will realize the scam and so called neg eachother out... Once you get to your wonderful promotion where you get to wonderfully come in a half hour earlier and stay an hr later and pay for all the new peoples food. What an accomlishment, not to mention everyone gets this promotion eventionally

In all seriousness, this is not marketing, or advertising or anything of the sort... You are walking door to door bothering peole who make an honest living and cheat them out of their money if they are nice enough to give you the time of day. Nadine will make you feel good about that so if you think ur making good money, your better off at mccdonalds

Stay away from this creepy cult scam

*good luck

Company: Nadine Saman Supreme Holdings Group
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Garden City
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