Ripoff and fraud on accounts


Dear editor, i am so glad to finally see americredit's name they put alot in to cover ing uo all the fraud going on their i was an employee their for 22 months and i have seen alot

They prety much let you know that if you don't like something that has ti do with t heir policies and procedures than you can quit. I told them time and time again avout breaking the law asnd fraud anmd misleading the customers. They lie to their customers and do not tell them the truth and tell the employess that they can not tell them. If their is a civil suit going on i would like to be involved. Or if any one needs me for a testimony i would be glad to help. They even hide things from their coporate office some things that are going on they do not know about. If you are hurt on the job and tell them that you are hurt they will threaten you with termination.

Company: Americredit
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Arlington
Address: 4001 Embarcaderp Dr
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Now there committing Insurance Fraud! When will somebody stop these theives?

Americredit Financial Services
I want to say something good about Americredit

North American Acceptance Corporation Fraud

Fraud and scam!

They are unethical

Americredit Auto Financing Co
Americredit is holding my title to my car after I made all my payments and paid all of the late fees and interests that accumulated over a five year period. All of a sudden, they threw a balance of 1

Repossessed vehicle after payment arrangement was made

Finance Company Ripoff

Convenience Ripoff

Fraud and lies