Time Warner Cable
Time Warner Cable, worst customer service, techs and set up crew - TIME WARNER CABLE


First off we signed up at our local walmart with one of twc reps. He asked us what we needed, we told him and and then he said that he had a plan for us. It was 79 a month with internet, phone and cable. We didn't want phone at all, but he said if we did not get it twc would charge us way more a month. So we got it and scheduled our set up for thursay between 8am to 12 pm. So I take Thursday off work, wake up early and wait and wait and wait. At 11:20 pm I finally called them, the rep was very unhelpfull and said the tech would not be here until around 3pm. So I wait and wait and wait so more, then 6pm rolls around and no tech again! I called them back and again twc kept saying they had no info they could give me. So at 7pm I called again and was told the rep was going to call the tech and call me back in 10 minits and tell me when my tech would be here. Well again the let me down, no call. So at 8pm a rep calls me and says" are you not at home?" I told them I was here, I looked out my window and a cable truck was in my driveway and the tech was all the way up on my hill smoking a ciggerette, HE NEVER EVEN CAME TO MY DOOR, HE JUST CALLED AND SAID I WASNT HOME! So, I went outside and got him. He comes into my home, doesn't care where any equipment should go, doesn't ask us anything, just says Im going to go and climb the pole to turn the service on. So 5 minits later he comes back and says " I cant do anything, Im leaving, I didn't bring a long enough ladder, you are supposed to tell us when we need a long ladder. So I order a bucket truck to come out tomorrow to turn it". First off, his ladder went PAST the lines, he never even tried. We had to have the internet today, It was my first day of online school and I missed it!!! So after hours and hours of arguing on the phone with TWC they rescheduled for Friday between 3 to 4 and no later, we were promised they would be here by 4pm. So again we wait and wait and wait and 5pm rolls around and the tech gets here. He comes in and he is very nice and helpful. He says the other tech ordered a bucket truck (and by the way TWC said we would have to pay for the bucket truck) but he thought his ladder would reach, AND WOW IT DID!!! So new tech is great and gets everything installed but guess what... The phone wont work... He calls TWC and again they are so rude to him, another hour passed and it starts working. TWC has given the worst customer care I have ever had, and to top it all off the one show I watch (Big Brother) I cant watch because they don't have CBS (the rep promised up before we signed up that they would have it back by end of week or I would have NEVER EVER switched companys. So my plan is wrong, no wifi ALL WE HAVE IS LAPTOPS, the sales rep told us so many lies just to get us to switch to TWC, over 30 of my channels keep says temp unavailable and only work even now and again, and I cant watch big brother and they are so rude. I really thinking about disc and going back to my old service, twc has done nothing but lie, give bad service, the tech showed up 12 hours late and did nothing and didn't even give me the services I want and need!!!

Company: Time Warner Cable
Country: USA
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