T-Mobile FTW B2B
Incompetent billing. Rebate Ripoff!


On 9 January I signed a 1 year contract for FamilyTime Nationwide with two Motorola V300 mobile phones @ $199.00 each. There was a $100.00 rebate on each phone. The paperwork was handled via fax machines except for the rebate forms and I was informed I was on the 'delay pay' option, so I didn't have to pay any money up front. I would be billed. I was told the rebate forms would accompany the telephones. They did not. I did not realize the rebate expired February 28, until I received the rebate forms via fax on 11 March.

In March my telephone service was terminated while I was travelling on business in Denver. The customer service representative was very rude and would only be willing to take payment over the phone with a credit card. I informed her I was not going to pay over the phone in any case, and requested she provide me with a bill. This she refused to do. I contacted several persons in customer service and they all refused to release any information to me 'over the phone'.

At this point it was useless to try to get an explanation as to why my service had been terminated when I had not yet received a bill. The customer service representative, Justin, 0544094, eventually let slip to me that the bill had been sent to an incorrect address. The address I had furnished, the address the phones were shipped to were identical.

The BILLING ADDRESS WAS INCORRECT! Yet it was my fault for not paying the bill. I tried to reason with the company and they refused to acknowledge that it was their error. The telephones were returned. Service was canceled. I returned the telephones, T-Mobile turned negative report into credit bureau.

Company: T-Mobile FTW B2B
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Fort Worth
Phone: 8172327622
Site: francine.igo@t-mobile.com
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