North Point Web Mall
Consumer Report


2/25 - I bought a North Point Web Mall (NPWM) affiliate website from a woman named Kim for $99.00 (confirmation #118432). My website would be built to have over 20 major stores on it for people to shop in and buy products from. Whenever someone bought a product from my website, I would receive a 30% commission and the main NPWM franchise would receive a 15% commission. Kim also said that they would refund my $99.00 once I reached $2,500 in commissions. So Kim said that it was in their interest for me to make a lot of sales since they get paid too when I do…a win-win. She said the next step would be for one of their “business mentors” to contact me to help me set the website up. She assigned me a business mentor named Gregory Samuels and made an appointment for him to contact me by telephone at 11 am eastern on 3/4.
2/27 I received an email from NPWM with the URL to my website

3/4 – Gregory Samuels called me. He said that they would optimize my website and submit it to the major search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, AOL and and that they would install pop ups and pop unders and perform search engine optimization to get traffic to my website. But he said that in addition to that I would need to buy targeted traffic from them in order to make the $1,397 month ($16,764 per year) commission income that he projected I would make. They would send 30,000 targeted visitors per month to my website for one year. The cost for this service would be $5,000 per year. So my net income per year would be $16,764 minus $5,000 or $11,764. I thought this would be a nice supplemental income to my social security and paid the $5,000 (which only amounted to about $0.01 per visitor which is in line with the cost of traffic that other traffic suppliers charge). So NPWM charged my Citi Card $5,000 plus a foreign transaction fee of $152.97. Gregory also said that they would send me a report every month showing my traffic and sales statistics. I have yet to receive a single report. He said that my website would be fully functional by 3/8 and I would have my first commission checks mailed to me within 21 days. I told him that getting my first check in 21 days would be good because I would be able to see if the website was working as represented by him. If the checks were not delivered I could get the $99.00 I paid for the website refunded under their 30 day money back guaranty and get the $5,000 I paid for the traffic refunded.
3/21 I received 3 checks all dated 3/18 in the amounts of $177.39, $123.12 & $98.69.
That day or the next I received a call from Gregory. He wanted to see if I received the checks and after I said that I did he tried to sell me another income making opportunity. The first opportunity he presented would have cost $15,000. When I said no he presented me with a scaled back version of the same opportunity which cost $5,000. I told him no, not at this time, because I first wanted to receive enough in commission checks to pay back my original $5,000 investment. He got irritated that I wasn’t buying in to any of his programs and the call ended.
4/5 I received a call from NPWM customer service person by the name of Patricia advising me that they were mailing my commission checks.
4/12 I received 3 checks all dated 4/8 in the amounts of $103.64, $85.38 & $59.21.
4/19 I received 3 checks all dated 4/15 in the amounts of $110.23, $102.68 & $79.34.
4/26 I called their customer service line multiple times and finally got through to Sharon Smith. I asked her to check to see if I had any commission checks. She said that I did and that they would be mailed out on 4/29 and I should receive them in 3-5 business days (so around 5/3). I also requested a new mentor because I did not have good chemistry with Gregory Samuels because he would always try to hard sell me on other income opportunities. Sharon assigned me Josh Andrews and set up an appointment for him to call me at noon on 5/3. He never called.
5/6 I called their customer service line multiple times and finally got through to Sharon Smith. I told her that I never received my commission checks that she previously told me would be mailed on 4/29. She checked with accounting and said that my account was locked due to a problem they had with a merchant. I interpreted this to mean that one of my stores had not paid them so they could not pay me. But she said the issue had been resolved and she would lift the lock and mail out my commission checks. I also told her that Josh Andrews never called me. She told me that was because he had been promoted to a different position and they were in the process of trying to notify his clients. She assigned me a new mentor named Steven Turner and made an appointment for him to call me at noon on 5/13. He never called.
5/14 I called Gregory Samuels and he surprisingly picked up my call. I told him that I have not been receiving my commission checks and had yet to receive a single monthly report. He said that he would check on this and call me back. He never called back. I call him almost daily and the phone just rings forever and never gets picked up. He does not have voice mail.
5/16 Left a voice mail with the mentoring department on the guise that I wanted to purchase more traffic, thinking that would probably result in a call back but it has not. So 5/14 was the last time I spoke with anyone at NPWM. I call and email them daily but never get through and voice messages that I leave have not resulted in one single call back.
5/16 Called Citi Card fraud department and explained that I bought a website and traffic from NPWM and they are failing to deliver. However, I wanted to give it a little more time to see if the checks and reports come through before I open a dispute.
5/16 Sent the following email to NPWM customer service and cc’d Gregory Samuels:
Subject: Commission Checks & Traffic Reports or Citi Card Fraud Investigation

Body: On 4/26 I spoke with Sharon Smith and she told me that they had commission checks for me and that they would be mailed on 4/29 and would arrive in 3-5 business days. The checks never arrived. Also, during that discussion, I made an appointment for a mentor to call me and Sharon supposedly set up an appointment for a Josh Andrews to call me at 12 pm eastern on 5/3. Josh never called.
On 5/6, after calling the customer service line (888) 723-4963 repeatedly every day (about 20 times a day), the call was finally picked up by Sharon Smith. Sharon told me that my account had been placed on hold. I was told that it was on hold because of a problem they had with a merchant... What ever that means. She then said that she just lifted the hold and my checks would be mailed that day and I would receive them in 3-5 business days. The checks never arrived. On this same call I told Sharon that Josh never called me and she said that it was because he got promoted to a different position. She then set me up with a new mentor by the name of Steven Turner and set up an appointment for him to call me at 12 pm eastern on 5/13. Steven never called.
On 5/14 I called my original mentor at 602-265-1165 (surprised he picked up the phone), Gregory Samuels to inquire about my commission checks and traffic reports. Gregory said that he would check on them and call me back later in the day with the answer. He never called me back. I have been calling his 602 number repeatedly for over 2 days now and it just rings for ever... No pick up, no voice mail.
I have been calling both customer service and Gregory multiple times a day but just can not get anyone to answer. I am at a loss of what to do. So today I called my Citi Card fraud unit and they said that they would help me when the time comes that I decide to initiate disputes on the $99 and $5,000 charges made by your company for lack of deliver as originally represented to me.
But I am hopeful that it doesn't come to that and that you do come thru and deliver on the representations that you made to me. I will keep calling daily.
5/17 Left a voice mail with NPWM customer service asking them to call me back. They did not call back.
5/20 Left a voice mail with NPWM customer service asking them to call me back and also resent my 5/16 email asking for a reply. They did not call back or reply to my email.
5/21 Left a voice mail with NPWM customer service asking them to call me back and also resent my 5/16 email asking for a reply. They did not call back or reply to my email.
5/22 Left a voice mail with NPWM customer service asking them to call me back. They did not call back.
5/23 Left a voice mail with NPWM customer service asking them to call me back and also resent my 5/16 email asking for a reply. They did not call back or reply to my email.
5/24 Left a voice mail with NPWM customer service asking them to call me back and also resent my 5/16 email asking for a reply. They did not call back or reply to my email.
5/28 Left a voice mail with NPWM customer service asking them to call me back. They did not call back.
5/29 Left a voice mail with NPWM customer service asking them to call me back. They did not call back.
Today, 5/29 I called back and opened a dispute.
5/31 After numerous calls to the Customer Service line and repeatedly getting voice mail, my call was actually answered. It was answered by Sharon Smith. I told her that I never received my commission checks that she told were going to be sent to me back on 4/29. She remembered the discussion we had on 4/26 about the checks being mailed on 4/26 and said she did not know why the checks were not mailed but would check with accounting and call me back within an hour. Also, since Steven Turner never called me on 5/36 as promised, she was going to make another appointment for him to call me. I told her that I was concerned that she would not call me back and she assured me that she always keeps her promises. Well, she never called back. I will start calling the customer service line again on Monday 6/3
6/3 Left a voice mail with NPWM customer service asking them to call me back and also resent my 5/16 email asking for a reply. They did not call back or reply to my email.
6/3 After numerous calls to the Customer Service line and repeatedly getting voice mail, my call was actually answered. It was answered once again by Sharon Smith. I told her how disappointed I was that she broke her promise of calling me back last Friday, 5/31. She had some lame excuse that she had to leave work last Friday to deal with some family matters. Anyway, she said she had communicated with their accounting area and was told that my checks would be sent this week by priority mail (3-5 business days). Will take a break from calling them and give it to the end of this week to see if the checks actually show up. If they don’t I will resume calling again on Monday 6/10.
6/6 Decided to call before Monday. After numerous calls to the Customer Service line and repeatedly getting voice mail, my call was actually answered. It was answered once again by Sharon Smith. I asked her to see if my checks were mailed. She checked with accounting and told me that they were in a batch to be mailed tomorrow 6/7 and I should receive them in 3-5 business days. I also asked her to have mentor Steven Turner call me. Since I got into this program over 3 months ago, I have only spoken with a mentor, Gregory Samuels, 3 times and 2 of those were sales calls. Sharon said that she would email Steven to call me and that she also would call me every week. Nothing as of today, 6/11.
6/11 After numerous calls to the Customer Service line and repeatedly getting voice mail, my call was actually answered. It was answered by an Ebony Johnson (ironically her voice sounded identical to that of Sharon Smith?). I asked Ms Johnson to see if my checks were mailed out on 6/7 as promised by Sharon Smith. She checked and told me that they were not and that they are scheduled to be mailed on 6/21. I told her that was unacceptable and she should tell accounting to mail them today because I should not have to wait until 6/21 to have checks mailed that were already there way back on 4/26, according to Sharon Smith. She later sent me an email saying that it was impossible to mail the checks today and that they are scheduled to be mailed on 6/21. I wrote back telling her that was unacceptable and that she should get accounting to mail the checks tomorrow. I also asked her to give me the phone number and email address of their head of accounting so I can press the issue with them. I have not heard back as of noon 6/12.

6/12 Received the following email from Ebony Johnson:
“Hi Daniel,
I Will Give You The Update As Soon As I Am Finished Doing All The Research I Need To Do To Give You Correct And Accurant Information That Is What My Job Intitles As Well Daniel Parsons. And I Would Like TO Thank You For Allowing Me To Prove You Otherwise Regarding My Company NOT BEING A SCAM. No BLACK CLOUD OVER OUR HEADS.
Thank You Customer Service
North Point Web Mall
Ebony Johnson

6/12 Received the following email from Ebony Johnson:
Hi Daniel,
Per All The Research I Have Done Regarding Your Account/Bussiness With North Point Web Mall. Per One Of Your Emails. You Stated *Ebony, way back on 4/26 I was told by Sharon Smith that I had checks that would be sent out 4/29. I am not happy waiting almost 2 months for my checks to be sent. That Is All True So Far So Good. I Told You People Were Repermended Due To Issues Stated When We Spoke Last. As Well As Last Email Per Accounting I Am Unable To Give Out That Information For Our Accounting Department. And What Is Unacceptable Is When Tech Company Was Updating Our System And It Took Longer Than 1 Day. We Lost So Much Bussiness/Customers. So Far Your Continuous Communication Is Very Well Appreciated Daniel Parsons. I'm Going Home For The Day As Of Now So I Will Forward You A Call At That Time.
North Point Web Mall
Customer Service
Ebony Johnson

6/12 I emailed her back:
Ebony, I am so glad that I can finally communicate with somebody (you) at NPWM. That is progress. Once I get paid I will REALLY be happy! And if I ever get a call from a mentor I will be happy. When I joined, I was told that I would get a monthly report on traffic to my website... But I have yet to receive one single report. You must understand my concerns, since I paid NPWM $5,000 in early March and I have been pretty much in the dark. There should be a way for us to login to our websites to see our traffic and sales.
Please give me another update tomorrow... Thanks
6/13 Received the following email from Ebony Johnson:
Hey Goodmorning Daniel,
I Really Appreciate Your Understanding As Well. And Accounting Is To Send You A Monthly Report As Of The TIme Your Campaign Got Started. So You Email Me Back When You Get That Email From Accountng To Let Me Know That They Did So. Thanks,
Customer Service At North Point Web Mall
Ebony Johnson
6/13 I emailed her back:
Good Morning Ebony!
I hope accounting comes through fast so I can send you that email real soon. Please keep an eye on them to get my checks mailed out. You don't know how much I appreciate you assistance and communication with me. Up to this time I just could not get a NPWM customer service reps or mentors to talk to me. Good thing I found you!
6/18 Called customer service about 10 times today only to get voice mail message.
6/19 Sent the following email to Ebony Johnson:
Subject: Ebony Johnson – Update?
Hello Ebony... Hope all is well!
Just want to let you know that I have not received any reports from accounting. Will you please push them?
At the same time will you please confirm that they will be sending me my commission checks on Friday June 21st. Also, if you could tell me how may that would be great. Since I haven't received any checks since mid April I should be getting a lot of them. Hope you will help me... Thanks
6/19 Called customer service about 12 times today only to get voice mail message
6/20 After 24 hours, I have not received a reply to the email I sent yesterday. I send another one as follows:
Subject: Where Is Ebony Johnson?
Body:. Ebony, you never replied to my email that I sent to you yesterday. I hope I never have to use the S (scam) WORD again. You can make that the case.
6/20 I have to drive to an appointment that will take about an hour round trip. I will call customer service all the time I am in the car in hope that somebody will pick up. Well, after about 30 calls (I did leave a message too) a woman named Sheila picked up my call. I asked her to check with accounting to see that my commission checks were going to be mailed on 6/21 as promised by Ebony Johnson last week. My simple request did not register with her and she started talking about a special promotion that they were running where I could purchase another 30,000 per month visitors for half price of $2,500. I told her that I wasn’t about to buy anything from them until I receive the commission checks that I was earlier where with them. I also told her that I was not happy with their company keeping me in the dark by not sending me monthly reports like they represented they would when I bought the website. Then, to my surprise, she said that I could upgrade my website to have a back office for I believe it was $100. “So do you want to go ahead with the 30,000 per month visitors and the back office” she said? At that point I was getting frustrated and clearly told her to go right now to accounting, while I stay on the phone, and find out about my checks. She finally got and said she would go over to accounting and inquire. Well she never returned to the call. I waited about 20 minutes for her to return and then finally ended the call. Sent Sheila an email asking her to call me back but she never did.
6/21 Have called NPWM about 20 times so far today and no one is picking up. Will keep calling. Sent the following email to Ebony with the subject line “Ebony Talk To Me”. Will resume calling on Monday.
6/24 Have called NPWM customer service repeatedly today and no one answers. I left a couple voice mails too. Later in the day Sharon Smith picked up my call. I said “Hey Sharon it’s Daniel calling, ” and she hung up on me.
6/25 Have called NPWM customer service repeatedly today and no one answers.
6/26 Have called NPWM customer service repeatedly today and no one answers. Later in the day my call was picked up by Sharon Smith. She asked me who was calling and when I told her my name she hung up. I am going to wait until 6/28 to see if the checks supposedly mailed on 6/21 show up. If they don’t, I am turning all this information over to Citi for their investigation.
6/27 Have called NPWM customer service repeatedly today and no one answers.
6/28 The commission checks that NPWM promised to mail out to me by priority mail on 6/21 have not arrived. Clearly NPWM is not going to live up the representations that were made to me at the time of my purchases. I am now going to turn all this information over to Citi Fraud for their investigation.
7/15 Today I called Citi and found out that they will not investigate my $5,000 claim because I have nothing in writing from NPWM stating what services that they were supposed to have provided to me for the money I paid them. But I did get my initial $99 charge removed because Citi said that NPWM did not respond to their inquiry regarding that charge. So I’m out $5,000 plus a $152.97 foreign transaction fee. NPWM stole my money.
I still have been calling them daily even though I gave up on this company.

Company: North Point Web Mall
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
ZIP: 85024
Address: 2023 North Cave Creek Rd., Suite 104-283
Phone: 6022424014, 6028411900, 8553332582, 8552703623
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