Consumer Report

Miscellaneous in short Charm. Is making people pay $ 6, = till $ 7, = for mailing AND receiving letters to their "ladies" on their fact the ladies are working for their site, so there is NO real contact possible. All mails are screend and corrected by the employées of Charm. Even the ladies above 40 years (about 90% is under the age of 27), which are really serious in getting a man for marriieng, are censored when you ask for their private mailadresses or adresses (in the conditions of Charm. Its published that you are allowed to ask private givens after mailing at least ten times (and receive so: 20x $ 6, = is 120, =).in practice however you have beenmailing to at least 5 till 15 different ladies which you already cost about $ 1000/1200, before you made a serious intention to visit them. Believe me: there is NO serious contact possible, even the serious ladies are kept behing or/and censored: THEY KNOW TOO MUCH! One advice: stay away from sites where they ask you credits for mailing, just be a member and pay "only" $ 50= or $ 75, = memberfee for 2 or 3 months. You are pushing the company to create more and more mails, because mails means MONEY! You and I realise too late...
Why would you as 55 or 60 years old chap receive so many admirermails, because you are rich and pretty, no no because you will mail 100 or even 200 times and receive more mails and you are $ pourer within 3 months instead of the $ 75, = memberfee...
This is international fraud and i cannot understand why this biggest Datingfraud ever!!! Did not yet reached the frontpapers of New York times or NBC???
In Europe its the same problem as my friends in France assure me.instincly I feel more sorry for the ignorant thousands of ladies who will discover too late that they will never have their dreams fulfilled and justreceive their bonus to push them receiving more and more letters/mails...
Only cooperating action will stop this scam, believe me. This all happened between January and July

Country: USA
State: Hong Kong
City: Shatin
Address: Unit 1317-1318, 13/F, Delta House, 3 On Yiu Street
  <     >  

Consumer Report
Consumer Report
Consumer Report

CHN LoveDate
Consumer Report

Discrete sex dates
Consumer Report
100% pure scam, stay away

Consumer Report, DigiGroup
Is a scam Internet
About 98% of the super hot women have stolen pics
Scam and Sham To Be Halted Completely