Consumer Report


According to their web page we were to get a "free sample" & just pay S&H. Little did we know that we had "signed up" for a monthly subscription at the rate of $84.96. As soon as I saw it on my billing statement we called and cancelled but they still billed us for the same amount. I called & spoke to Justin & he was only will to reimburse us 75%. So I took it in lue of having to ship the product back "RMA" These guys are the lowest of the low scum buckets!!!

Company: Zymbiotix
Country: USA
Site: zymbiotix.net
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FWM Laboratories
Account cancelled but still nilling me

Consumer Report

Zymbiotix 2122 E. 950 East Provo, UT 84606
Consumer Report

Ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing

Ultraburn PM
Their FREE sample cost me a bundle! Scam alert! Ripoff

Lorelia Skin Care
Consumer Report

FulfilmentCenter - (Lean Muscle X-1)
Consumer Report

Premier Premium Communications
Fraudulent billing and home computer intrusion Ripoff Fort worth

Warner Health Care
Makers Of Avlimil Automatically billed my credit card without my permission Cincinatti Ohio

FWM Laboratories (Acai Berry Detox)
Can't get subscription cancelled