Adriana Mitchell
Consumer Report


Creiglist... Wanted to buy a record player and wanted me to pay shipping up front. I'm smarter than this and caught her. Its really ashame people do this. Karma will get them. She went back and forth with questions about the unit. Waste of time

Company: Adriana Mitchell
Country: USA
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Training Solutions Australia
Consumer Report

Adriana Martinez Villasenor
Adriana Martinez, So called positive thinking or "Creative Magic" Is delusional, criminal, deception, bi-polar: Dangerous! New York And Mexico City

Waste of time and money - they replaced the power unit twice, none of the three worked. They wanted me to ship it back and pay a restocking fee. It's defective product. They should not be selling i

Warranty Ripoff

Adriana's Insurance
Adriana's Insurance Endangers Roadways

Adriana - Spells of power
Adriana Spellsofpower ripoff CRIMINAL WHO NEEDS TO GO TO JAIL

Radek Wtorkowski Ebay ID Magisterm3
Ripped me off for $123.45

Adriana Whiteake
Consumer Report

Kshitij karma khadka
Karma karunesh ur name will haunt u karma cebu

Sony Customer Satisfaction Center
Sony ripped me off