Ashley Martin/Expedition Sales
Consumer Report


A young lady (white, about 5'7", on the chubby side and with multiple tattoos on her lower legs) came to my door on the evening of 7-11-13. She said her name was "Ashley Martin", that she lived with her father on the next street over from me and she was selling books to fund a semester abroad in Paris. I wrote her a check for $61.00 to purchase a series of atlases for my granddaughters. I should have known better, but she had great acting skills! There were several red flags that in hindsight I should have been suspicious of when she was in my home. She said that she spoke no French, but her major was communications! Yeah, right! The way she spoke also was questionable... She just didn't sound very educated. She also didn't react to several things I mentioned to see in Paris such as the Metro, the Louvre, etc. She also asked to use my restroom, but after doing so I noticed that the toilet hadn't been flushed (didn't hear it). I suspect she was rifling through my medicine cabinet... I don't keep meds in there. Before she left, I asked for a phone number just in case the books didn't arrive on time. Got a really bad feeling after she left... Drove around the neighborhood looking for her... She, of course, was no where to be seen. Went to the house she said she lived in on the next street... They had never heard of her. The phone number she gave me was bogus as well. Went to my bank the next day to put a stop payment on the check...$32.00. Called my local police dept. Right after this happened; I was advised that this was a scam going on in the Indy area right now. Had to cancel my checking account and open a new one... Put a fraud alert on the credit and also had it frozen just to be safe. What a mess! Actually more angry at myself than anything for falling for this (Inappropriate Content Removed)!

Company: Ashley Martin/Expedition Sales
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
ZIP: 85085
Address: 24820 N. 16th Ave, Suite 110
Phone: 6026523999
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