Ambit Enegry
Consumer Report


For the second month in a row my services were cut off the first was because a third party who collects payments who accepts payment for Ambit, Ambits website directed me to pay there which I did, the third party keep my money for 5 days which lead to my service to be cut off, Ambit then told me to pay it at Kroger which I did on June 22 and on June 25 to find my services cut off I called and spoke to 11 different people some had employee numbers and some claimed they didnt, At one point I heard them laughing about my situtition which did not find funny at all i have a heart condition and a small child, I was told someone would call back by 3pm never happened, I looked Ambit up only to find they had a history of this type of behavior, when they are trying to sigh you up to sell there service there is always someone to talk to but when you have a problem there is no one to be found, When the weather 95 plus, this is nothing to play with

Company: Ambit Enegry
Country: USA
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Ambit Energy
Consumer Report

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Ambit Energy
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Customer Service

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