RD Services
Consumer Report


Caller at bank card Services (616-613-2092) located in Zeeland, MI claimed this was second and final call to resolve issue with my credit card (not identified) and demanded I enter #2 to resolve this issue. This was the third such call this month. I hung up as I believe this was an attempt to ontan a credit card number.

Company: RD Services
Country: USA
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Financial Card Services
Tried to run a scam

Unknown - See Lette
Consumer Report

Certegy Payment Recovery Services Inc
Certegy Payment Recovery Services cannot resolve issue

One time use credit cards

Consumer Card Service
Identified Themselves As, Seems Like A Scam Offering To Lower Credit Card Interest Rate To 6%

Max PC Support
Consumer Report

Aka home shopping network -compaq. Never buy anything from them

Pacific Telecom Communications Group
Card Services Credit Card Interest reduction telemarketing fraud

Card Services
Consumer Report

Patriotic Readers Club
Readers Services Charged Me Twice in One Month Without Permission, Threatening to Report to Collections