Silver Law Cente
Consumer Report


There are companies that have no real intention of providing the service they promise. I was looking to refi, with a decent credit score but property value under water. They encouraged a modification even though I felt I didn't qualify. All sorts of advantages were promised.
They also suggested I do credit card settlement since this would prove to the lender that I was taking steps to deal with my finances. Well forget any chance at regular refi, they tanked my good credit score. Has anyone gotten a modification using Silver Law Center? Where all these modification with Nationstar Bank?

Company: Silver Law Cente
Country: USA
State: California
City: Newport Beach
ZIP: 92660
Address: 4533 MacArthur Boulevard
Phone: 8004835850
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Richard Simmons weight loss tapes
Rip-off... Visa billing when im not willing... Charged it any way. So i won't pay. Only t v ads is the phone site

National Modification Experts, Silver Lining Funding
National Modification Experts, Silver Lining Funding Company stated they had money back guarantee if denied loan modification. They stated check was in the mail never received

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Wells Fargo
Modification is a rip off, increased payment to over half my income

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Wells Fargo
Terrible experience

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