Dominion Financial
Ripoff get your money back easily


I too was victim, thank god I came across this website before it was too late. If you find yourself victim, simply call your bank RIGHT AWAY! State that you have a unauthorized charge on your account. Its that simple, but you have to do it within 30days of the funds transfer. If it was over $300.00 most banks will require you to sign a dispute form and mail it back in, the result is it will take maybe longer (a week or two) to get your money back. Remember to tell the bank you know nothing about this company and the charges, as these idiots do not record thier phone calls, they have no way to prove the authorize charges. Also file a complaint with the New York Consumer Protection Board @ http://www.consumer. State. Ny.Us/,

I think people like this deserve jail time, the more people complain the better. Last but not least, call and harass the hell out of Dominion @ 1-866-785-1789, don't tell them who you are when you call, just make them feel like idiots, ask for stupid stuff like an extension on your account, or a credit limit increase, call constantly and treat them like the idiots that they are know that you know you will get your money back.

Company: Dominion Financial
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Champlain
Address: P.O. Box 1891
Phone: 8667851789
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