Standard Capital US
Consumer Report


I just called pertaining to a house listed on craigslist. It showed a picture of a very nice house with minimal information. When I spoke to someone, he preceded to give me a lot of double talk about how by just taking over the house payments, the house would betransferred into my name and become mine with no credit check, it would only take $199. I told him I was perplexed with how this worked and he told me I shouldn't be when they have helped so many people. I kept asking questions and he kept rudely cutting me off with more general talk but no details. Finally, when I asked how that was possible with such stringent home buying laws and difficult loan opportunities, how they could so easily make me a homeowner with no credit check, he preceded to tell me that he didn't have time to explain it to me and that he was a very busy man who had other people who were ready to be home owners. I then told him that if he didn't have time to explain, then he didn't have time to get my money and he hung up on me. I guess I wasn't stupid enough to fall for this nonsense from him. Listen people... THERE IS NOTHING IN THIS LIFE THAT IS FREE AND EASY! If it sounds to good to be true, it is. If someone cannot take the time to explain something to you to your satisfaction and they want money, hang up! I certainly dodged a bullet!

Company: Standard Capital US
Country: USA
State: California
City: Carpinteria
ZIP: 93103
Address: 1072 Casitas Pass Rd., #106
Phone: 8882701073
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Dan Heskett
Dan Joseph Promised to find a buyer for my house and make morgage payments till it was sold

Meadow Run Builders, Meadow Creek, Crystal Lake
Ripoff dishonest fraudulent

List 4 Less Wisconsin
Liars who say they'll help you get a house, then discriminates so you can't get it

The Mortgage Guys
Liars who promise to help you get a house then discriminate against you so you don't get it

First House Financial
Listed our house without our knowledge, we're not even behind in our morgate payments

Fairbanks Capital
Corp/equiprime Bank ripoff, stealing our home, harissment, threats

Centex Home Equity Corporation

Canceled appt

Fraud and cheating

Fairbanks Capital
Ripoff victimized many consumers