Elite. Tickets@yahoo.com
Consumer Report


I found them on craigslist offering discount plane tickets. I was needing a last minute plane to jacksonville florida. The man i spoke with said his name was Jesse. He gave me a call back number to reach him while i decided if i could accept the offer he gave me. He offered to get me a ticket from indianapolis (which is where I am) to Jacksonville with one transfer in charolette NC for $250. I agreed he said it would go thru paypal which set my mind at ease some. I needed to get to jacksonville to see my son graduate high school and he knew this and knew how desperate I was. I purchased a money pak card per his request then i had to rush to the airport because the plane he booked was leaving in less then an hour. I arrived at the airport had missed the plane but the airport offered to move my ticket to the next flight leaving out. I said ok. I was still a little concerned about giving my money to this company so i waited until i was at the airport with tickets in hand to give the numbers to the money pak card. No it did not go thru paypal there was never any mention of paypal again he just wanted me to give the numbers off the money pak card over the phone. Not thinking anything could happen now cuz i have the tickets in hand i did it. I then tried to board the plane and was stopped and told the tickets were void. They had been canceled by the person who booked them. And i was left stranded at the airport with useless tickets, missed my son's graduation, and out $250. Now i can get nobody to answer the phone number i have or the email i sent them explaining what happened and that i would like to rectify the issue as pleasantly and promptly as possible. I sent emails to craigslist reporting them as scams and still no reply and they are still posted on craigslist. I am at a loss. I just don't know what to do.
Thank you Tracy Games

Company: Elite. Tickets@yahoo.com
Country: USA
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