American Professional Document Services
Consumer Report


I received a call on Feb. 21 from Enrollment Specialist James Fuller for a $995.00 special on a "Bank Ready Loan Modification". Mr Fuller advised me that I qualify for a HAMP Loan Modification after I gave him my financial stats. I was in doubt explaining that I already had a recent Modification. I submitted the required paper work and my lender refused me, I notified Customer Service Managers Thomas Hannon and Lee Martin to complain about being deceived. I was actually told that it was my fault, and they had my conversation with Mr. Fuller on tape. After a back and forth arguing session with Mr. Martin, he suggested a three way conference with my lender. However, I would have to go along with a pretense. He used a bogus identity, posing as my cousin the lawyer. I'm ashamed that I was subjected to this lie. Of course the bank refused again. I reported this issue to the Attorney General Pa. For Consumer Protection. Now I'm battling them for recognition for the third time. They want all kinds of documentation which I sent via UPS registered mail. It seems that a copy of my check #4 for $995.00 is not enough proof of payment to these scamers. I do not want to give up. I feel the whole world is dishonest. I want my money returned!!

Company: American Professional Document Services
Country: USA
Phone: 2155262762, 2153039675, 2675862991
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