Consumer Report


So I went to use my credit card and it said I was negative $184.99 it said I got charged from VHS come to find out zymbiotix has charged me for an auto shipment and I called them immediately and the person i talked to they wouldn't refund it than I talked to another person and they told me once I receive the pills to send them back and I'll get my refund. Do not buy pills from this company they'll rip you off.

Company: Zymbiotix
Country: USA
Site: zymbiotix.net
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Consumer Report

Zymbiotix 2122 E. 950 East Provo, UT 84606
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Don't bother ordering if you really want to lose weight!

FX Supplements
Charged for pills I didn't receive

Consumer Report

Pe Labs Pure Energy Prods
I ordered a trial diet sample online. I paid $4.95 thinking it would be worth a try. However today when I was checking my online banking I discovered my checkcard had been charged for $149.95 for more pills

Consumer Report

Shapely Secrets / Greer Childer
I ordered Shapely Secrets from infomercial onTV.initial chg. $100.84 (should have been $40.00 S&H), Have since been charged twice for PILLS I DID NOT ORDER since, total$26.98 $19.99

Easy Cancel button doesn't work - credit card charged