Knockout White
Consumer Report


My husband responded to an offer on a coupon site for a free trial of teeth-whitening product for $1.03 plus 3.87 postage on March 24. The charges came through for this right away. The product arrived on March 30, and on April 1 a charge of $94.31 showed up on my credit card account as pending. I immediately called the bank and queried the charge, but couldn' do anything until it cleared as a charge on April 2. My husband immediately on April 1 called the company, got only an automated message asking if we wished to cancel, he responded yes. When we filed a complaint with the bank asking for thecharge to be withdrawn, the company refused, saying there was a 7-day cancellation policy and we responded on the 8th day. We didn't even know they were going to charge anything within that period, and this was supposed to be a trial period for this product which takes 5 days, but we hadn't had it long enough to even try it before the period to cancel was supposedly up! This is a total scam, obviously the only way this so-called company can offload product they can't get anyone to buy legitimately. When we called the company several times, we were told a supervisor would get back to us and that has not happened! @

Company: Knockout White
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Englewood
ZIP: 80112
Address: 9800 Mount Pyramid Court, Suite 400
Phone: 8003961647, 8884470360
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Charge for trial period of product - without sending product to try

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