A Company Unknown Policy-Term & Condition
Consumer Report


I bought a samsung y duo from a shop in People's Park for $295.00. After paying for the set, the sale person keep writing on the cash sale receipt. Its stated that I have to pay for a warranty of one year, per month $19.90. I was shock to hear that. I must at least pay one year warranty as it applied in the term and condition. I ask him what type of term and condition. Its their comapny term and condition with a piece of handwritten paper stuck at the bottom of the display counter. He insisted that I had to pay for the warranty for at least one year. They are only selling samsung mobile, not samsung company, why are they charging for the warranty. Anything spoilt will go to samsung company. I was annoyed by such condition. Its New Year and I had to sign for price agreed (total including the warranty which is not stated in the invoice). Never state the warranty period. Really absurd.

Company: A Company Unknown Policy-Term & Condition
Country: USA
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