Sunrise PC /
Consumer Report


I have been having a problem where someone has been hacking into my computer on a weekly basis. I explain this to both of the companies and reasuure that can solve this problem by changing my IP number and installing Security Tool. They took off the 167 Threats and they change my IP number, and the CLAIM there install Security Tool to prevent the hacking. I still had this after they did this more than one. I get getting a message on my PC stating there are intruder. This company charge me $249.99 for all of this service. I can't even afford all the money so right now I'm opaying them every two week until I finish [paying them. My orginal amount I was suppose to pay is $129.00. This is a scam. I went to this website: and it stated that Security Tool is a rogue anti-spyware program that launches frictitious securityalerts in effort to scare you into purchasing the "Full Version" of SecurityTool. Security tool may slow down your computer, reduce your available system memory and change your system settings. This program is useless. This is what the website stated. This company deceieved me and trick me believing that Security Tool will prevent the hackers. This is a lie. I need some of this money refund back to me. This company is charging me $249.99 for this service. I also had 167 Threats detected. The company remove all these threats that were on my PC.

Company: Sunrise PC /
Country: USA
State: Delaware
City: Wilmington
ZIP: 19806
Address: 19C Trolley Street
Phone: 3027475209, 8887039488
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Security Tool Anti-virus program
Security tool rogue spyware

Security Tool

Real Gold Soft
Security Tool Completely locked up my computer. Unable to remove program on list. It was not listed

Real gold soft baku
Security tool i had gotten the security tool to get rid of the trojans on my computer for $129.95 but it didnt even work. And now i cant even find the file to remove it

WorldWideSoftWare Buka/Az
SecurityTool sent some kind of program to my computer that took control of it, and then said my computer was infecfed with a virus and spy ware and melicious ware and said i needed security tool and there were a v
Fake - Security Tool - Pop-Up / Security Tool
Pop-Up Scam takes Over Compute

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Strong arm tactic

Security Tool Anti-virus program
Taking people for a ride

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