Fake - Security Tool - Pop-Up

Internet & Web / Online Scam

Watch out - FAKE - SECURITY TOOL - A very intelligent and dangerous rogue spyware and scareware... Extremely difficult to remove. It popped up while I was online and took over my computer.

SECURITY TOOL claims to be legitimate, when in fact it is actually the spyware itself - designed to overwhelm you with simulated scans and fake warnings that your computer is infected with various malware. The reason for this is to scare you into buying bogus software by making you believe that only the full version of Security Tool can remove these infections, when, in fact, Security Tool IS the infection.

While you are typing, SECURITY TOOL attempts to gain access to your sensitive information by logging keystrokes and internet activity. It then sends that information to a remote server

The FAKE SECURITY TOOL consistently pops up in front of anything you are working on so you cannot see what you are doing. It's FAKE SECURITY ALERT tells you that your computer is in danger, that others are trying to get your credit card and bank information, and that you need to upgrade your SECURITY TOOL. This bogus security software is sold through, (which you don't know at the time - you have to find that out through your bank or some diligent research on the net)..

I tried to close it several times but it would not go away. I even re-booted my computer and it popped up again. I was surprised to find that it locked up my Avast Anti-virus program. I couldn't access many of my files and documents. It even locked me out of the control panel so I could not go to add & remove programs to delete it.

It just kept telling me I needed to upgrade my SECURITY TOOL which was an icon blinking in my taskbar. I purchased my computer about a year ago, so I assumed they may be right. So I chose their 2-year plan for $69.00 and submitted my credit-card info along with my email address. I expected them to send me some info and a reciept.

Once I did that, the screen showed them supposedly cleaning up the Adware, Trojans, spyware, Rogues, Worms, Backdoor, etc... It did and I could go on with what I was doing. I checked my email for a message from them. Nothing??? I had to leave so I just turned off my computer. When I switched it back on, I was blocked again. No email, no explanation. They just wanted more money. Then I realized I had been taken...

I unplugged my computer from the internet and proceeded to remove SECURITY TOOL. As before I couldn't open files, use my virus removal program or even go into my control panel. I found there was one thing I could do though. I could use search. That's what I did. I looked up anything to do with Security Tool, GameVance, and Adware and I deleted them. It was enough to let me use my virus removal program offline. I did and it removed the rest. I am now able to use my computer as normal again without Security Tool.

Problem is not only took $69.00 out of my account. They took $129.85 which was more than I had in that account causing me an overdraft of $34.00. The Bank says I have to contact them before they'll do anything. I have to cancel my debit card & be issued a new one. All accounts I use to pay bills with that card have to be updated or I'll have overcharges on them. I'm out $165.00 and alot of valuable time.

So be aware... Take head... Don't fall for this hoax... But, If you do, it is extremely important that you remove SECURITY TOOL as soon as possible or you could become the victim of an even bigger crime like identity theft. Unfortunately, rogue spyware like Security Tool is capable of stealing sensitive personal information like credit card numbers, passwords, etc. And sending them to a remote host without you ever knowing. Don't be so hasty in popups soliceted to you over the net... If you are locked out of your computer go to another one and do some research. I suggest a trusted friends or your local public library. Log-On and go to for starts. I will keep you posted as to my progress on getting my money returned... Safe surfing by CHasty

Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Oregon City
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Pop-Up Scam takes Over Compute

Security Tool

Security Tool Anti-virus program
Security tool rogue spyware

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Security Tool Completely locked up my computer. Unable to remove program on list. It was not listed

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Security tool
Security Tool used virus warning & credit card threat pop ups then disabled the laptop so the security tool had to be purchased