GBM Inc 111 Simcoe ST N Oshawa
Consumer Report


On Jan 8 i recieved a call that i have selected for sercet shopper customer service evaluators and then lady name sabrina parker told me that i should recieve acheck adn all the instruction in mail adn should follow those and give her call to activate the check. First i think why should i get paid before when actulally i did not do anything and she dont have any of my info if i cash the check wqhat she can do. This soung like to me scam ehen i recive the letter i serach on internet and by the grace of god somebody already filled complain re this matter and i become sure now so i decide to write my complain also may be somebody like me also become aware of this thing and wont give any information of them to this scam ppl. I would like to write the no of the girl is 647-931-4853 ext 209 just in case some body came acorss

Company: GBM Inc 111 Simcoe ST N Oshawa
Country: USA
State: ON
City: Toronto
Address: 459 University Avenue, Suite 300
Phone: 4166824000, 6479314853
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