Premier Premium Communications
Billed for pop-ups and trojan viruses while I was reading e-mail. Rip-off!


I am furious that you invaded my home with your disgusting filthy pop ups! These would not close and the computer had to be shut down and swept clean numerous times. This occurred over several days and I suspected this was a scam and a rip off.

I just received my bill for this RAPE $180.00 plus an additional $1.99 per minute, which will appear as an additional $71.64 on my home telephone bill. I don't think so. Boy, would I LOVE to get a hold of you scumbags and SUE YOUR SORRY BUTTS! How dare you attempt to defraud ME and threaten my credit!

Company: Premier Premium Communications
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Fort Worth
Address: P.O. Box #155579
Phone: 8009189057
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Premier Premium Communications
Ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing and correspondence

Premier Premium Communications
Ripoff Fraudulent billing, forcing someone to go to a website, then billing them, there should be a law for this invasion of privacy

Premier Premium Communications

Premier Premium Communications
Ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing

Premier Premium Communications
Ripoff billed me for calls that I did not make telephone fraud

Premier Premium Communications - Telliss
Dialer Scam ripoff Scam Mental Anguish Fort Worth, Texas

Premier Premium Communications
Received a bill for $30.00 for a pay per view website I never authorized to view. Ripoff

Premier Premium Communications

Premier Premium Communications
Phone scam, auto-dialer within my computer dialed the UK without my knowledge and permission. Ripoff

Premier Premium Communications
Ripoff FRAUDULENT BILLING is this the new Alyon Adult website scam