Unfair firing


My complaint is how walmart fire my daughter on a sunday, not only that she was in the hospital, for the time she was off she was told she had to friday the 21 of dec to bring doctors papers, than today they brought, her in the office and fired her. The manager says she had to friday the 21, the asst, manger told her she needed the paper today, to me this is unfair termination, we is consulting with legal advice about this, the doctor tried several times to faxed the information i call myself and talk to someone in the office at walmart and gave them the doctor name and fax no, and my no, they got it wrong they kept calling my home no instead. My daughter told them they was calling the wrong no. My daughter never hardly miss work until she got sick. Come to find out she had a life threating illnes, you guys need to recosider, let her bring the papers in proving see was sick, if not we may consider legal actions. Concern and very upset mom

Company: Wal-Mart
Country: USA
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