Pogo Games
Unauthorized billing!

Internet & Web / Online Scam

Club Pogo Charged my account one week before trial period. Every time I tried to cancel, I was cut off the system.

Company: Pogo Games
Country: USA
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Pogo, EA Games
Pogo, EA Games pogo 'free' 2 week trial ended up costing me $32 in overdraft fee

Pogo headquarters
Pogo java issues - pogo club games

Trying to get into pogo games

Pogo headquarters
Club pogo billing - club pogo game website

Pogo headquarters
Pogo games - All Pogo

Pogo headquarters
Pogo help

Pogo headquarters
Pogo games - club pogo game website

TOO MANY ADS - pogo.com Inernet games

Club Pogo
Unable to play pogo games

POGO On Line Games
Ripoff / indicated a pay to play policy for AOL members and games not functioning honestluy Pogo.com