Paid By The Hour demanded my refund, found info to be fraudulent, web site was not accessible ripoff

Internet & Web

When I paid for this using my paypal account I was to get instant access to this it did not happen till I wrote saying that there business ad appeared to fraudulent. Suddenly I was given access then I was to get my clock in account which it is stated that it will take 24 hours 3 days later I wrote asking why it was taking so long. Suddenly I got that. Then it tells me I should create an affilate account so that I can get help when I needed this was never working and as of tonight it still isn't. So I sent an email asking for help because I did not understand what it was I was to do that was on 18th of August and so on the 20th I said that I was done messing with them and was demanding my full refund that they guarenteed it is now the 26th and I have contacted a lawyer on this and he says he feels 69 dollars really isn't worth sueing them but to send them a emaill and tell them I am going to report them and to give them amble time to respond that was 6 days ago and I even sent another email today saying that their time was up and since I haven't been notified of a refund by either check or to my paypal I was preceeding with legal action as well as notifing my local paper for which I found this in the first place and warn people it was a scam. I have saved all my emails to this business and will cut and paste to you if needed thank you for helping.

Company: Paid By The Hour
Country: USA
  <     >  

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"" Do NOT click any links if you get an email from "service@paypay.Co" it is not paypal

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Do not refund money!

Consumer Report

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