Ripoff billings after cancellation

Internet & Web

I go along with Karly, I canceled by phone in Feb of this year and it is still being deducted from my account, after a big hassle and a fast talking woman in India I was finally able to make her understand that when I say cancel I mean cancel and I did get a cancellation number and will see when this months bank statements are put out.

Company: WM-Connect.com
Country: USA
Site: wm-connect.com
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Walmart.com - Wm-connect.com
Ripoff Is still charging us AFTER we called the number twice and they're rude

WalMart Connect - Wmconnect - compuserv
WalMart Connect, Compuserv Won't Cancel! They're stealing my money! Rip-off!

Ripoff - underhanded consumer service

Wal-Mart Connect.com
Ripoff, Company refuses to cancel my internet account and keeps charging me


Well Tabs
Will not cancel "trial" membership

AOL charging debit card within a week after cancellation was confirmed!

Walmart Connect Internet Service
Ripoff won't cancel service Bad bad bad service and way of treating customers. Jacksonville Internet

Netscape Internet Service
Ripoff dishonist fraudulent billing practices

WorkOut World
WOW, Work out World, WorkOutWorld Cancellation SCAM, Keep charging after you Cancel