Time Warner Cable
No customer service at all! - Cable Service

Internet & Web

Ive had it with time warner cable. I set my service up in feb whe3n i moved into my first apt. And i paid the tech who came to set up my service with a money order. Some how this company lost my money order, they have no idea wheres its at. They dont know if it got lost if the tech stole it, they have cut off my service three times b/c of non payment but i told them im not making a payment til i have a vaild bill in my hand. They have gotten the security team involoved and its been two months ive been dealing with this issue and ive had it! Ive probably spent a whole work day worth of hours trying to talk and get this issue worked out with them and nothing is every resolved, my service gets interuppted again within a week or so, THis is by far the worst experience ive ever had and once i get this issue worked out if they dont offer me some type of compensation for my time, my cell phone mins, and the headaches its been i will be cancelling my services and asking for a full refund b/c thisd is beyond ridiculous.

Company: Time Warner Cable
Country: USA
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