Electronic Dealz
Sears.com vendor Computer tablet ripoff thru sears.com

Internet & Web

Similar to other reports here on usacomplaints.com, I too ordered two Christmas gifts through sears.com. Both were Android OS generic computer tablets. I received my order after several weeks, just before Christmas, however, one tablet was defective (both were poor quality). The WIFI did not work on the defective one. I returned it for a refund and never heard back - all you get from this company are automated e-mail responses telling you to wait. The last response I received stated that their e-mailbox was now full. They have probably left town by now. Sears should be ashamed of themselves - and I should have realized that this was coming from another vendor and not Sears. The only reason that I ordered was that I trusted the Sears name! Stay away from any offers or "deals" from both companies.

Company: Electronic Dealz
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Gilbert
Address: 2630 S Southwind Drive
Site: sears.com
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ELECTRONICDEALZ!"rip off dealz" would be more like it!

Electronic Dealz
ElectronicDealz.com, Sears Item never shipped, would not answer e-mails, won't accept calls, billed my credit card

Electronic Dealz
Failed to provide replacement tablet. I cannot get a refund on my Sears card!

EGlobal Electronics
Consumer Report

Abandoned and not cared fo

ElectronicDealz sent us a used tablet, which was also defective

Silicon Valley Imaging Corp
Never recieved my order or my money back

Return policy - Wayborn Furniture

Sears.com / Air Compressor
Scam and cheating!

Sears ElectronicDeal Never Sent Purched Item, wont return calls or e-mail