Hired contractor We Are Your Coder through Peopleperhour. Contractor did maybe 20% of the work then wanted payment claiming it was completed. I'd told Peopleperhour who responded by turning my escrow, SW6 1RR, Othe

Internet & Web

I'd hired a contractor through (PPH) to edit a website. I'd chosen a company called We Are Your Coder. One of the stipulations was that the deadline has to be met or else they would not get paid. They'd assured me that there would be no problem and I let them set the actual deadline.

Shortly after a proposal was agreed upon and funds were put into escrow, communication with the IT contractor showed that they had very little coding experience and could not complete the work at all. They'd done about 20% of the actual job and still missed the deadline. I'd told them that I'd look for another programmer.

I'd contacted and told them what had happened and that I'd need my escrowed funds returned. (You have to put money in escrow before you hire anyone.) The contractor told an outright lie to PPH that they'd finished the job. I'd directed PPH to the email trail on their own site so they could see where the vendor stated, themselves, that they had not finished the work and had agreed to forfeit payment if the deadline was missed - which it was. Everything was in writing. A cut and dried case, right?

Well, PPH paid the contactor anyway. I'd reminded them of their money back guarantee, but they've ignored my complaints. Finally, I'd asked for the names of the individual (s) who own Peopleperhour, but they refused to give me the owners' name (s). As a result, in addition to paying for work that wasn't performed, I've had to hire a new contractor (from a different company, of course) and pay their fees as well.

Definitely a rip-off. Their site implies that you don't have to pay for unsatisfactory work. Well, in my case the contractor agreed to the proposal, then broke the agreement and PPH handed them my money, anyway. Dealing with means literally throwing your money away.

Company: Peopleperhour
Country: USA
City: London
Address: 2c Seagrave Road
Phone: 4402078355950
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People Per Hour has a Fake Escrow system - use Elance instead London
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

National City Mortgage, National City Corporation
Promises Unkept, Left our Property with Thousands of Dollars in Damages, Does Not Care About Their Customers, BEWARE

Michael Salese-N.S.W.I
Refuse to follow code

RNG Dallas
RNG Remodeling Contractor walks away from job without finishing

Matched me to a contractor that took me for $20K then went bankrupt

David Fries Home Remodeling Contractor
David Fries Fries Home Remodeling Contractor Construction

Sergio Lopez Quality Building & Remodeling, AKA Triple L Construction
I will gladly perform the work tomorrow for payment today good friend then go get a job with United Built and never finish many phases of the job

JCG Residential
Charlie, Jose, Gallani Contractor with poor ethics, preys on customers to make a fast buck