DEP Data Execution Program Error Earthlink webmail add-on using system memory incorrectly email shut down by Internet explorer Internet

Internet & Web

WHen I use Earthlink webmail, after a few minutes Internet Explorer closes down my email and I get an error message that reads: "A malfunctioning or malicious add-on has caused Internet Explorer to close this webpage.

What you can do:

Go to your home page
Try to return to
More information

Windows Data Execution Prevention detected an add-on trying to use system memory incorrectly. This can be caused by a malfunction or a malicious add-on.
Other things you can do:
Go online to learn about the Data Execution Prevention (DEP) security feature"

I worked with Earthlink Live Chat techs three times this A.M. To fix the error. It was obvious none of the teshs understood the forst thing about this. The first tech simply logged into my computer and cleaned out my browser & cache. (I do this fairly regularly.) I asked him how it would help - he did not really answer just said the problem was some ad-on.

1 hour later I access email again (I had not gone to any websites since first tech helped me) and the same shut down and error message occurred. I told second tech the problem and this time I had copied and pasted the error message. I sent message to tech and then I was no longer on LIve Chat.

I log on to LIve Chat a third time. This tech walks me thru going to sysdm. Cpl and selecting the DEP tab under performance. But it is clear he has no understanding as he tells me to select both options given — even though the two options are mutually exclusive (like selecting black or white - not both.) I have to explain this to the tech. He tells me to select the "All programs" option (the one that was already set by default). So this did nothing to resolve problem and of course the error happened again one minute after I was done with the tech.

It is obvious the techs hired by Earthink 1. Have no personla knowledge of technical issues beyond simple basic everyday ones, 2. Have not been trained to deal with these issues, 3. Have not been provided tools to locate solutions and resolve problems.

The last tech told me the problem was with IE. I asked, why not Earthlink. His arrogant answer: I know it is not Earthink's problem. NO info provided. No basis for his statement whatso ever.

My hypothesis: Earthlink has constant ads that come onto the email that are executable and when these ads come up, Microsoft's DEP closes Earthlink down. This is either because IE does not recognize the ads (some incompatability between Earthlink and MS that Earthlink refuses to admit to); or the ads themselves have been corrupted or contain a virus and Earthlinl is terrified that this is true.

Earthlink techs are untrained, unknowledgeable arrogant, and evasive. Earthlink is not providing me with service (my email gets shut down every couple of minutes.) Earthlink denies it is their problem, or a compatibility problem they can fix.

Company: Earthlink
Country: USA
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