Trion Worlds
Rift, MMORPG Banned immediatley after charged

Internet & Web

Trion Worlds, Owners of the MMORPG game: Rift, charged my credit card on 8/31 for $119.99 for an annual subscription; also charged was a $9.99 fee for purchasing the product via digital download. Upon attempting to sign in after my trial period had expired my account was banned for a "Severe Violation" which was not to descriptive, I am attempting to contact them but they seem uninterested to respond. I am not sure why they would immediately ban my account even when I haven't played the game. Seems odd that they would ban me the same day the charges post to my bank.

Stay Away if you have any programs or files on your computer that are of value; as I understand that this may be due to the fact that i have coding software (Visual Studio) on my computer. Apparently they scan and review all files on your computer and reserve the right to copy and/or reproduce said files at any time without your consent.

Company: Trion Worlds
Country: USA
State: California
City: Redwood
Address: 303 Twin Dolphin Drive Ste. 500
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Trion Worlds, Rifts MMO
Mmmorpg, rifts, trion worlds trion worlds "rifts" mmo ripping off u. S Soldier who can not cancel account unless I physical call even when I am deployed in Iraq

Virus Bursters -
Holding computer hostage, ripoff

Meyrocorp Or Cure-softhttps:
They told me that my computer was infected with a virus and they told me that my subscription with McAfee Virus had expired & I needed to upgrade with their Antivirus 2009

Bonzi Buddy
Ripoff TROJAN VIRUS in bonzi buddy download eating files Wisconsin ripoff I dont know

Mega Download Pass
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Best Buy
Went in with a desktop computer, it had crashed

Walmart Supercenter
Poor Service

Ripoff, sent virus infected product, refuse refund

MBContact - AVG (.org) Software
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