Clear Wireless

Internet & Web

Online sites sucks. Customer support HURTS. Simple to register, difficult to depart!!! They place you on the 2-year *contract* (that wasnot told me after I registered!) and after I attempted to stop—obviously I got caught using the 'restocking' charge. I had been about the telephone together (waiting) to keep in touch with someone for more than 45 units (the very first time). They stated they'd need to contact me back and might continue my termination procedure within 48 hours. They didn't contact me back AND didn't stop my support. I'd to call-back (waited another 45 units) to stop. I questioned repeatedly exactly what the process was to stop my support and nobody might clarify it in my experience. Was used in "bill providers" which explained they might cost me the restocking charge when my gear was obtained. They confronted to cost mean equipment charge if my gear wasn't obtained within thirty days of termination (and that's why I absolutely got the monitoring with UPS).

Four weeks after I terminated my support (and delivered back my gear—established by UPS) Clear named me to inform me that my bill was LATE. Yes. You thought it... About the telephone again with BAD "customer support" waiting and waiting and waiting. Nobody cared about my scenario—it seemed such as the woman was consuming while about the telephone. Both that or she was drunk. I expected to get a manager and was refused a supervisor. She caught me on-hold. Bill providers stated that they'd terminated my service 3 months before and might cost me a 'comfort charge' to procedure a charge for for my 'late' terminated support. They caught me on-hold AGAIN to 'speak' to payment solutions.

Onto payment services. They described nothing. At this time—I needed to obtain off the telephone—I'd been about the phone for 90 units—however they needed to get specific authorization to be able to mail-me a bill! (I expected for this since I have hadn't obtained some of their "sent" conversation—and yes, I examined my junk!). And so I was positioned back on-hold!!! Wtf!?

Company: Clear Wireless
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Hanover Park
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