The Most Amoral Man I Have Ever Known

Internet & Web

Eric Schmid, now CEO of The Big G is the most amoral man I have ever known. For years I have watched him step on other managers in our company so he could climb the ladder to the top. Now he has made it he still rules with an iron fist.

Whatever you do, do not cross him. I have seen him fire people just for speaking their minds in a respectful, thoughtful manner. It's almost like he gets a kick out of firing people. And these are mostly very good people. He just really enjoys ruining people's life.

He is also very proud of the fact that he does not believe in God. If you want a demotion, just bring up God and you will get it. To get on his good side, just offer him a drink of Jack Daniels, He loves it, dirinks it all day, but it never shows.

Company: EricSchmid
Country: USA
State: California
City: Mountain View
Address: 1500 Amphi Theatre
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