Core Distribution
Xtend and Climb Ladder Core Distribution Management lied about the quality of its Xtend and Climb Telescoping Ladders!

Construction & Repair

BUYER BEWARE: Do not buy the Xtend and Climb Telescoping Ladder. This product is extremely unsafe.
The company I work for use to distribute this product until we started getting all kinds of customer complaints that the ladder would collapse when someone was standing on it.
The ladder would also get stuck repeatedly and never collapse the way they claimed except when someone was standing on it. This doesn't exactly make you feel safe, does it?
If that is not bad enough, the management of Core Distribution will not stand behind their inferior product. They offer a meaningless 180 day warranty with all kinds of silly strings attached. I guess they can't offer a legitimate warranty since it is a piece of junk.
Anyone who owns this ladder should return it immediately and ask for a full refund.

Company: Core Distribution
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
Address: 113 Washington Ave N
Phone: 6123309912
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