My mighty soft baku
More charged than was stated, no email confirmation, no address for contacting company, no sign of service being provided

Internet & Web

My experience was similar to that in report 732912. On 11 May I was told my computer was infected, and that the infection could be removed on payment of $19.95: this would be confirmed immediately by email. When I gave my credit card details, the blocking of my screen was removed, but I received no email. Unfortunately I had not made a note of any address.

When no email arrived, I immediately contacted my credit card company, but they were unable to take immediate action because of a computer problem. I phoned them again on 13 May, and was sent a form to complete for 'Goods/services not received'. I completed this and returned it with a covering letter describing what had happened.

Today (28 May) I have received a reply stating 'As a service was provided by the merchants, we have no rights or recourse against the merchant. [I] suggest you attempt to contact the My Mighty Soft to attempt to resolve any queries'. I have tried to respond, but as today is a Saturday and Monday is a Bank Holiday in U.K. The earliest I will be able to make contact with an adviser is Tuesday, when I will stress that I have not received any service, and I do not have a contact address.

I am at least reassured to discover that I am not alone in having been deceived by this 'merchant'.

Company: My mighty soft baku
Country: USA
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My Mighty Soft Baku
The same thing happened to me. I was online when a pop-up screen advised that my computer had viruses and that I needed to purchase their software to clean my computer. It also froze my screen. Screen Pop-Up

Click And Buy double-bills sending one of payments to the vendor and keeping the other

Cic*credit Monitor
SVC Rip-Off. Unauthorized charge to credit card

Real Gold Software
Security system software

My mighty soft baku
This pop up came on ny screen & froze it & forced to me to buy virus removal for $19.95 but was charged $99.90. I tried eveyway to get off screen but could not. PC screen turned all blue with icons l you have 38 viruses that need removed

Aria Domain Their website is almost completely non-functional. No service, no support, no contact information, no service tickets, unable to renew my domain. Emails returned as undeliverable

Real Goldsoft, Baku
Baku this software infected my computer with viruses they suggested i buy their antivirus software, after buying it my computer completly shut-down Ordered product, took payment then no contact from company!

B & N Bank Moscow
Consumer Report
Created confusion double booked us into a hotel