American Digital
American Digital Networks Mail solicitation looks like an invoice. Offers a service to create a "private internet"

Internet & Web

My accounting department received a deceptive solicitation, designed to resemble an invoice. It was prominently titled "Remittence/Invoice Form" and showed a balance due of 349.40. It also listed an INVOICE number as well as a tracking, account and user ID (mine, supposedly). The bottom line is, this letter was meant to deceive, since the company I work for has never done business with American Digital Networks, nor would their own words, here is the "service" they provide

"Instead of fighting the explosive growth of the Internet, the ADN
provides the means for our member companies to organize a private
Internet. As the Internet grows, so do the number of companies fighting
for top rankings in existing search directories. The American Digital
Network is a channel for each company to manage their part of the
Network." (From: / Date: 4/20)

What is a "private internet"? Why would you want one if your goal is to be seen by as many people as possible on the "public internet"? I suppose this is legal because they aren't actually being deceptive. Your company probably will be listed on a directory somewhere and no body but your private network will see it.

Useless service deceptive solicitation=scam.

Company: American Digital
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Annapolis
Address: PO Box 6607
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