American Digital Networks
ADN Media, LLC Invitation to Participate actually looks like an invoice

Internet & Web

While they think the envelope Invitation to Participate in 11 gets them off the hook, the contents don't look like an invitation, or offer. They clearly make it look like an invoice with "Remittance Invoice/Form" wording and confusing wording attempting to wrestle away a companies domain name registration from their legitimate registrar.

They hope we pay it accidently and then try to get credit later for which they will pay us no interest for using our money (and many others who they take advantage of, that's a lot of interest free cash flow). Two, they hope we pay it and never ask for credit and they just generated revenue without providing anything. Both of these make this unethical and/or illegal.

I filed a complaint with the BBB and FTC.

Company: American Digital Networks
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Annapolis
Phone: 8007432230
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It turns out you're more special than any of us imagined!

Rip off!