Shinjiru Technology
Shinjiru Limited Bandwidth of Unlimited Bandwidth Customers, Took Sites Offline on Purpose, Urgent Maintenance is a Scam Kuala Lumpu

Internet & Web

Shinjiru is a web hosting company in Malaysia that rips off American consumers by promising them free speech friendly hosting with unlimited bandwidth with the intention of only making good on the first half. I signed up for their services with the promise that their offshore jurisdiction would protect my website from sue happy lawyers in the states. The site is similar in nature to complaint, but for reporting issues of a personal and sexual nature. Shinjiru performed well for that and helped me sleep easy knowing that if push came to shove sue happy lawyers would ultimately have to do as I said for anything they wanted regarding their clients to be done. Unfortunately I ended up with far less band width then I paid for.

I bought their "Enterprise" widows hosting package with the understanding that for for just under $150 a year I would have unlimited bandwidth. Despite this my sites went down for long periods of time more than 10 times in the past 6 months. The worst of this was 3 days in December when one of my sites went down entirely. I have also read horror stories about them on other consumer complaint sites in which people have had their domains suspended while being withing their bandwidth limit just because Shinjiru decided that they used up too much resources for a given time period. None of those complaints mentioned unlimited bandwidth however, so this is the first that I know of that may do so. Unlimited bandwidth meant that no matter how much traffic you get whether it be 1GB a day or 1,000, 000 GB per day the host agrees not to charge you more and to provide service for the traffic. Shinjiru failed at this miserably.

Furthermore, I believe that a key part of their scam is disguised as so called "urgent maintenance" on the server that you happen to have your site hosted on with their shared hosting package. This theory is based on the fact that in many cases in which my sites have crashed they were running fine in obvious need of no maintenance at all before going down for several hours at a time seemingly about once a month. This suggest that Shinjiru most likely decided in advance to disable certain servers to save resource no matter how much bandwidth was used.


Shinjiru is the worst web hosting company that I have ever worked with. I have worked with some bad ones, but they are by far the worst. They offer you unlimited bandwidth only to allow your sites to go offline at random, at no fault of your own, and regardless of how important those sites are, how much money they generate, or what your immediate marketing plans are. Long story short, DO NOT USE SHINJIRU FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER.

Better services exist like Cyber Cast International or PRQ. SE for Linus people.

Company: Shinjiru Technology
Country: USA
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