Top Level Host
RipOff Scam Con victimized many consumers

Internet & Web

Well Alex and me needed a good host to move our site to and BlizzBaby suggested Top Level Host. So we looked at it and saw it was good so alex paid for it. Well it was good for a while except it went down alot.

We worked on a few sites for our network of sites called Virtual Studios Network. Well another friend helped me make an awesome site that had a copyright notice to keep the templae from being stolen (More on this in a little bit). And we had nothing in violation.

Well I wake up to check out how my site was doing to find it had been suspended. He said we had a copyrighted item on our site and gave us a chance to remove it. The copyrighted thing was the site template which we had full permission to use but the host said he didn't care who owned copyright just he wanted the site removed.

Well after we kept the full permission site on the server he shut us down because he said he found another site my other friend made which had a copyright that he had full permission to use and shut our site down. He is running the server for the rest of the term then he is deleting entire site. He won't even give us a refund and a chance to get our files.

This guy also can't even spell. His letters are very unprofessionally written. He changed the meg and bandwidth on our site when we had unlimited bandwidth and 1,000 meg.

Company: Top Level Host
Country: USA
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