Ripoff! I cancelled AOL but all of a sudden the charges started appearing on my credit card again

Internet & Web

I tried to load AOL with a disk received in the mail. It just wouldn't work on my old computer, and I was so frustrated with the help line that I finally had to give up putting in my phone number for the tenth time and get a human to talk to. I asked to just cancel it until I got a new computer.

I realize now that I was tricked into just postponing my account. All of a sudden the charges started appearing on my credit card again. Apparently the amount of time I told him it would be until I would get another computer. So, I called again to cancel the account. This time whoever I spoke to apparently didn't cancel the account again, but gave me a couple of months to try and get help with a technician. He was a very smooth talker and convinced me to try to find time to get help, which I never did, not knowing that the charges would just show up again on my credit card without warning.

It isn't bad enough that I have to take the time out of my busy day to call to cancel this, but every time I try to cancel I am told that I cannot have the surprise charge on my charge account refunded. How much money must AOL make on people doing this? It is outrageous!

This time I have taken the time out of my busy day to contact my credit card account to reverse these charges. The bank informed me that AOL is the worst for this, and even wanted me to change my account. Just as it must have been with prior people I spoke to, it seems that Lupitta just didn't have the authorization to reverse my charges, and just couldn't find a supervisor. It is a week later and I am still waiting for a supervisor to call me back.

I am enraged now that I've figured out what AOL has been doing all along. What cheaters!!

Company: Aol
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Herndon
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Wu-Yi Source
Fraudulent Charges

Fraudulent credit card charges

Bogus Charges

Poor customer service

Wu-yi Source
Unauthorized billing

America Online, AOL
Ripoff would not stop taking money from my bank account Blank

Mni Credit Reporting Services
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AP9 SimplyYou 123
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Weight Loss Dojo
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