Time Warner Cable (Southern California)
Billing tricks and bad customer service

Internet & Web

I am not the kind of individual to just talk up when there is space for criticism. Actually I've frequently removed out-of my method to contact companies and tell them of superior-quality operating. Sadly I can't state exactly the same for Time-Warner as well as their online sites. I've experienced more disturbed support, payment mistakes, and inaccessibility to client service with Time-Warner than I might actually state for Verizon, Cox Communications, or a variety of engineering businesses I Have handled.network Solutions comes near, but Time-Warner requires the dessert for constant crash. On the daily schedule I get dropped indicators on my device, and operating mostly at home, not to mention keeping video meetings frequently, I Have needed to apologize more for my poor web supplier than you ought to actually need to. On the payment degree, encounter continues to be just as questionable.

Timewarner costs you for the month forward before you utilize that which you've taken care of, while offering various rates of cable net. Upon registering, I had been provided their second-rate web speed, frequently $49 per month, for $39 a month rather (the buying price of their main speed). While this three-month marketing found a detailed, in the place of preserving me at $39 per month and providing main pace, they simply thought I Would maintain minute-collection speed and knocked my statement as much as $49 without caution, for that upcoming month four. I approached customer support and informed them the specialist stated the alternative might occur (that I'd stay at $39 and obtain primary pace), and that I needed a brand new statement of $39 for principal. Per month passes and that I never get a new statement. On month five, I acquired a statement saying I possessed them $49 for that month that handed, despite the fact that that whole-time they'd reduced me towards the main pace. Obvious overcharge. Plus I owed $39 for that upcoming month. Clearly my talk to customer support was totally ignored. 8 weeks next I eventually got the $10 distinction certified to my consideration, but fundamentally it increases the problem about how exactly $39 per month is definitely an overall laugh to start with. Sadly, because Time-Warner monopolized the region I reside in, they truly are my required choice for web.

Client telephone company is almost missing aswell, therefore all the best there. I have never got a on the phone-line, also it funnels right down to online talking being your only choice — interesting since that, should you can't-get web for whatever reason, you-can't get support.

After I proceed to another region, ensuring I've a choice apart from Time-Warner will be very the determining issue whether I go there.

Company: Time Warner Cable (Southern California)
Country: USA
State: California
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