Daoji666 (eBay seller)
Yangning Seller agreed to refund but kept my money

Internet & Web

I lost $293 (114 179) because I made the mistake of doing business with this chinese eBay seller.
I bought a battery advertized "for 250w eBikes" but the battery was not good for all eBikes and therefore was incompatible with mine.instead of paying $114 (the battery worth $199) to return the item to the seller and thus loosing money we agreed that the seller send me the matching conversion kit (24V 10A).
I received the conversion kit but the seller made a mistake and sent me the wrong kit. It was 48V (instead of the appropriate 24V) kit. On my part, I already had $424 invested in the transaction and still without an adequate product. On the other hand the cost of returning the kit would be prohibitive. After negotiating we found that the best solution was that I return the 24V battery to China and buy an appropriate battery (the 48V) for $529 (usd) and the seller was suppose to give me a $379 refund upon receipt of the battery. Again I was helping the guy for his mistake (and sending even more money)
The selleer insisted that I leave a positive feedback before he send me my refund.
When he got the battery I had to insist he send my money as agreed. Then he said there was a problem with the BMS (Battery Management System), a printed circuit card that comes with the battery. Even do I have never used the goods I accepted the responsibility and we agreed to reduce the refund by $90 to $289usd. The deduction was also for the repackaging of the battery because I had to split the block into a pair of smaller blocks in order to fit my battery case. Meanwhile, I was sick and could barely move so I connected the new battery to the 48V controller (from the conversion kit) and realized it did not work. I was totally dismayed to see that the seller sent me a non functional item AGAIN! I decided to wait until the seller gives my refund before asking for support because he was extremely slow and procrastinating. Recall that 3 months have passed and summer will soon pass. Then I started to make more pressure and he finally sent me a $200 partial refund saying that they were still testing the battery and it could be damaged therefore retaining an extra $89usd. The seller has the battery since two weeks and can not pretend to be testing it because he had FAR enough time!!!
I tried to get help from eBay and PayPal but guess what I ended up with?
The seller still have a positve feedback from me. So how many buyers left one and later regretted it???

Company: Daoji666 (eBay seller)
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Tianjin
Address: 1506-7 xianghejiayuan xingang tanggu
Phone: 13682152971
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