Daoji666 Ebay Seller
Yangning Faulty product / workmanship, Refuse to follow through with Warranty as advertised, charged import tax for warrenty repair, paid and never receive product. China


Ebay purchase from seller daoji666 for 48V 20AH LIFEPO4 BATTERY it failed but seller offered 1 yr warranty i followed all his request even pay import terrif to make warranty return plus shipping total of 420.00 normally, I was informed the shipping import tax was 32.00 but then after i pay was then informed they make mistake and it was now additional 85.00 or my battery would be destroyed so i sent it.

Should have purchased new american battery.

Time went by so i contact seller who informed me my battery was shipped. After many weeks go by and no battery seller now tells me it was returned to him because shipping label was torn!!! It's been many weeks now and as i request shipper info from seller he refuse to reply. Ebay said he dosn't have authority to advertise warranty as this is main reason i purchase from this seller yet they allow him to advertise and approve his add.

At end of day i am at mercy of seller basically screwed, Ebay simply say past 45 day period and still allows seller to advertise warranty of this product Ebay is allowing his misconduct very unthethical they have access to all email communication with seller and should suppend his account yet allow this activity to continue. Do not do business with this seller or Ebay any warranty or promise of ethical sale transaction is nothing but smoke and mirrors to make your money dissapear with no accountability.

None Zip Nada Is nothing but criminal front with no accountability for advertising eventhough i pay for every detail to enshure warranty process I still have no battery. Way to go Ebay Thank you for your support and continued of quality policy and procedure's to enshure fair transaction for all ebay shoppers.

Company: Daoji666 Ebay Seller
Country: China
Address: 7-1506 xianghejiayuan
Phone: 13682152971
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