ICM websites - internet cash machines
Internet Cash Machine Complete Farce, Deceptive Practices, No answer on phone

Internet & Web

As other reports also say This company is a complete scam, so please DO NOT sign up with them. I made the mistake of visiting their site on April 18 and entering my information to purchase a work from home kit for FREE to be mailed for a charge of $2.95. I figured for $2.95 what do I have to lose. On April 19 when I checked my card statement they also had tried to charge $139.95 (twice) They do not answer thier phone it puts you on hold and then you get disconeccted after a couple minutes. I am filing with BBB, AG and FTC on this scam. Also sending certified letter to company for a refund of all charges on CC and letting my attorney advise on the rest. It is companies like this one that give a bad name to the good companies out there.

Company: ICM websites - internet cash machines
Country: USA
Address: 3 Lake Forest
Phone: 8778633088
Site: xyzwarehouse.com
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Internet Cash Machine - ICM Websites
Internet Credit Card Fraud, SCAM

Internet Cash Machine
Complete SCAM company along with Credit Card Fraud

ICM-Internet Cash Machine Websites
ICM Internet Cash (SCAM) Machine

ICM - Internet Cash Machine
Internet cash machine is a scamp

Misleading Scam

Internet Cash Machine - ICM Websites
I ordered an item for work at home for $0.99 on April 2 and they charged my account for $139.95

ICM websites - internet cash machines
They stole $139.95 from me that I did not know about till it was to late. They refuse to refund it even after the account was closed!

Internet Cash Machine - ICM Websites
Big scam, liars, stop them from stealing, unethical thieves, no moral values

ICM - Internet Cash Machine
Internet Cash Machine Internet Fraud, Deceptive Practice, Liars, Scam

ICM Internet Cash Machine
Just another scam