Ripoff business from hell rip-off nationwide

Internet & Web

I signed up for MSN almost 3 years ago when they had a special at best buy. Things were alright until MSN 8 came out. I got my cd in the mail like everyone else and installed it like it told me too. I didn't not work. I could not get online let alone do anything else.

I called customer service. After being on hold for an eternity my call was finally answered. I was transfered for service rep to service rep a number of times. No one was able to help me until finally I talked to Chris. He was at least able to get me a manual connection to the internet. I still had no email or MSN browser. He told me a higher level technichian would be contacting me. No one ever called.

About a week later I called back. Still no help or answers. I talked to a manager about cancelling me account. I was told I had to pay $152.91 to cancel my account because I was under a contract. I told him this was insane and that I wanted to talk to his boss. He said there was no one else I could talk to. I have sent many letters stating my unsatisfactory dealings with this company and no one seems to care.

Needless to say I just paid the amount and got a new service provider, who has served me with awesome help and service.

Company: Msn
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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Virgin Mobile USA
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ATT U-verse
Uverse horrible service - AT&T U Verse

DSL Extreme
DSL Extremely Slow

WildBlue Communications
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Wildblue Communications
Improper Billing

Vontage nightmare!

AT&T Worldnet Service
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Intuit Websites My Intuit Account Pirated, and Intuit Won't Address Issue with Me, Call me or Reply to my Mail

Nothing but hassle

Fraud billing