Not supplying product. Demanding extra money than promised

Internet & Web

I have been ripped off by a shopping site called www.ebaytopele.com operating from china and claiming to supply electronic items worldwide. I am from india.

The comany quoted a total price of 110 Euro (Inclusive of all charges including delivery charges to my address in Chennai, India). When i asked them if i have to pay any customs or handling charges they said NO and committed a delivery period of 5 to 7 days max. They also said that they have prior experience of suppying to Indian customers. (Copy of price confirmation mail attached)

I had paid the 110 euro for a mobile phone order on 18 July'09. (also my bank transaction charges were 35 euro, so total debit from my account is 145 euro)

Initially ebaytopele were promptly replying to all my queries. However after the money transfer they were not responding for 2 weeks and totally avoiding saying that they have depatched the product back on 20 July'09 (Copy of acceptance of my money and confirmation of despatch mail attched).

They even sent a mail saying that there could be a delay as they deliver through a medium which can pass maritime customs check! (Copy of mail attached)

On 06 Aug'09 after sending a number of mails they mail me saying that the product is Detained in Mexico maritime customs for nonpayment of insurance. They are now asking to me pay an extra amount of 90 USD and to take the phone myself form Mexico. (Detention slip photo attached)

I have sent a number of mails requesting them and telling that it is their mistake and they have to supply me the product at no extra cost and they are totally avoiding my mails

I need help so that i can either get the product at no extra cost or my money back or atleast stop this site from swindling anyone else internationally.

Please guide and help me as to where i can get justice in this case as the company is in china and i am from india.

Company: Ebaytopele
Country: USA
Site: www.ebaytopele.com
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Undelivered paid product and scam

Ming ming fu paid 647 euro's for goods and 210 for dhl. I Asked days later for my tracking number and received an email I must pay another 400 euro's for CHINA customs. I asked for invoices and paperwork and was guangzhou city

Lily Violation of selling conditions. Deprived of my total money sent to them


Antiviruse 2009
Stoln money from my card

Have taken payment for goods, then withheld them demanding same price again for bogus customs costs. Now won't refund

Don't deliver/can't contact Internet

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Customer Service Camille Smith Fraudulent practises, put three charges on my credit card of which two were unauthorized and product not received Somewhere In China Shipped From China

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AudioExtasa. De
Consumer Report