Hard Drive Outlet
Ripoff the business that doesnt give a damn

Internet & Web

I originally bought 2 hard drives off an ebay bay 'buy it now' auction. I also paid for them immediately through paypal.

After a few days I write harddriveoutlet.com and ask why the have not yet shipped yet. They make the excuse that processing payments through paypal takes longer. Which is crap. But the promise to ship the drives that day.
Which the barely do (UPS reported the drives in their system at close to midnight).

The drives arrive defective. No damage during shipping. They had to have been sent that way.
I write to them and request replacements.

They write back and say sure thing we'll get those sent asap.

I write a few days later asking where the replacements are or where shipping info for the replacements is.

They play stupid. What replacements?

We go back and forth most of one day with emails. Them playing stupid the whole time. It was almost if I was dealing with a retarded monkey that had access to their email account. They couldn't figure out their ass from their elbow.

I finally write up a large timeline for them to display to them what has happened so far. What I requested and when. And where they promised things and failed.

They seem to be simply ignoring this problem now as it's been 4 days since last writing them. And still no response.

Company: Hard Drive Outlet
Country: USA
State: California
City: Valencia
Address: 25149 Anza Dr
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