Paypal Is Totally Unfair! And scams themselves

Internet & Web

I am reporting paypal because not only have I heard of them ripping people off but they are totally unfair! I am fed up with paypal and I hope to get this issue out across the world so everyone could know EXACTLY how they are! Yeah everyone thinks paypal is secure and safe... Well there not ive gone thru alot of issues with paypal and today was the end of it for me!

I had listed an auction on ebay for a "wholesale consumer lot of electronics" The auction was for $5,000.00 buy it now or best offer. I had not made a sale on the auction yet. I listed the auction 3 times had alot of questions but still no sale okay. Thats fine. Well today I logged into ebay to realize my account was closed... I was very irratated I had 99 feedback all 100% positive!

I didnt know what the problem was... I contacted paypal and they told me I could NO longer use paypal... WHY? Because they said I was a threat to there business... For the lot of electronics... How am I threat? I havent even sold a lot to anyone yet... And on top of that... I have invoices from where I purchased truckloads of electronics! They wouldnt even accept the fact that I did have invoices and was willing to fax them so they knew I had the merchandise on hand... PAYPAL is a complete RIPOFF!!!

I even have buyers who purchase my merchandise on a weekly/monthly bases. Refrences from these buyers... And paypal still wants to do NOTHING about it. They just want to screw someone over on their business... My only means of income now I have truckloads of electronics and no way to advertise what I got for sale! I just felt that I needed to get this incident out there in the open so other people dont come across something like this!
I wish everybody the best of luck with paypal! But watch your back! They will eventually try to get you in some way or another as they did me!

Probably the most honest seller on ebay!!! I did everything to keep a good selling reputation and now its ruined!

Thanks alot paypal!!!

Company: PayPal
Country: USA
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They held my money for 3 weeks after sale

Yi Zhang
Ebay screwed me then Paypal screwed me Ripoff China

Paypal unfair!

Paypal Ebay
Non Payment for auction

Unauthorized billing

EBay seller who is a ripoff

Paypal - Felixofpeace - Ebay
Paypal, felixofpeace, and ebay ripoff nebraska

Paypal -Fine Print
Ebay purchase and payment via Paypal Web Based

Paypal -
Beware if you are an auction seller new ripoff buy item pay for it with paypal and 1 month later charge back credit card so you lose merchandise and money internet

PayPal - EBay Company
Beware Sellers of paypal Interne