Cmg Group
Cash Advance Ripoff Scam Illegally scam you into a cash advance

Internet & Web

I feel your pain for the others that have been scammed by these people. My wife and I were running a little low on funds after getting shorted on hours on a recent paycheck. I decided that maybe a cash advance couldn't hurt and decided to fill out an online application to what I thought was an actual cash advance site.instead I find out that it's one of those multiple marketing sites that searches for a lender.

No problem I figure as I am contacted a short while later by a LEGITIMATE company that actually takes the time to verify my application and approve the loan process before approving my loan and sending me my money.

The next day I check my bank account and the drama begins. The very first thing that I notice is not one but two deposits. Looking into matters further I see the supposed number to contact this "CMG Group" and call it which refers me to call another number. I call this other number and as soon as I am connected I get hung up on. Repeatedly.

After waiting a couple of days to cool off and try again I contact them again and managed to get through with someone named "Desiree". Judging by the accent I would assume that her call center is located somewhere in the northeast, however, I may be mistaken.

At any rate I try to explain to Desiree what happened. She is very rude and interrupts me repeatedly. At one point even saying "For the third time, let me try to explain this buddy." So I listen to her spiel and get told that supposedly by clicking the submit button on the marketing site that I was automatically agreeing to their contract.

I tell this broad, no, by clicking the submit button, I am certifying that I am looking for a lender, not completing a loan application. She argues with me and tries to tell me that it is the same thing and I explain to her that no, it isn't. I explain that you cannot be obligated into a loan without being contacted, or contracted, or anything. I then ask her to show me documents, either a verbal recording or a signed contract stating my intention to contract into this loan. She can provide me with nothing.

She tells me that supposedly I was contacted by email and left a voice mail. Funny thing is I have no record of this supposed email. None. Even after wading through all of the offers that I now get thanks to the lending site. I also never received any emails. I know this because I never trash an email, no matter how mundane. Apparently this is a fairly common problem with these people as I've read many reports online of the same thing. Also apparent to is that these guys are total wraiths as I've not found a physical location for these guys yet.

I then try to rationalize with her by summing it up the way I understand it by saying, "So basically what you are trying to tell me is that if 10 different lenders go through that site I could be roped into 10 different contracts without signing anything?" She responds with "No sir, It wouldn't be any more than five." And she can not honestly see the problem that I have with this.

As I am writing this they have now taken what I can only assume is their first interest payment. After calling again I ask what I need to do to pay down and get this crap over with and I'm told that the documents that I received via email details the process!?!?!? After explaining that I don't have any documents and never received any now I'm told that they can't give the paydown information on the phone? So even trying to resolve it legitimately is out.

What a bunch of ripoff artist. My wife and I are now to the point of closing our account that we've had for several years and getting a different account just to be rid of this drama.

Company: Cmg Group
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8665169300
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